TED Talks for sales professionals are more than just lectures; they’re like a masterclass in sales, psychology, and motivation rolled into one. Each is packed with insights that could change your thoughts about sales.
At D2DCon, we’ve curated the ultimate list of the best TED Talks for salespeople – must-watch videos to sharpen your skills and inspire your journey in 2024.
Trust me, you don’t want to miss these – they can transform your sales game!
1. “The Puzzle of Motivation” by Dan Pink
What motivates you to sell? Is it money, recognition, or something else? Dan Pink challenges the old assumption that rewards and punishments are the best ways to motivate people.
He throws the old ‘carrot and stick’ approach out the window, showing us that intrinsic motivation—the drive to do something for its own sake—is much more powerful and sustainable. He also highlights three key elements of intrinsic motivation: autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
If you’re looking to fire up your sales team, why not grab tickets to D2DCon? It’s the perfect place to get inspired and apply these intrinsic motivation principles!
2. “How to Get Your Ideas to Spread” by Seth Godin
How do you stand out in a crowded market? How do you get people to notice and care about your product or service?
Seth Godin answers this in his iconic TED Talk: be remarkable.
In today’s world, being average is not enough. You have to be different, unique, and memorable. Create something people will discuss, share, and remember.
3. “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy
Your body language doesn’t just impact how others see you but also how you see yourself.
Amy Cuddy introduces “power poses,” simple yet effective techniques to boost confidence and performance. This talk is invaluable for anyone looking to master TED Talks for sales professionals and understand the importance of non-verbal communication.
You can learn even more about non-verbal sales techniques at D2DCon, where industry experts guide you in crafting a stronger presence in real time.
4. “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown
Vulnerability: Is it a weakness or a strength?
Brené Brown argues that vulnerability is the key to connection, creativity, and courage. Being authentic instead of perfect in sales can help build customer trust, rapport, and loyalty.
This is one of the best TED Talks for salespeople who want to connect with their clients more deeply.
5. “The Art of Asking” by Amanda Palmer
How do you ask for what you want in sales? Do you feel comfortable, confident, and clear? Or awkward, anxious, and vague?
How do you ask for what you want in sales? Confidently? Awkwardly? Amanda Palmer shows us that asking is an art form that can be learned.
She demonstrates how building relationships through collaboration and feedback creates value and loyalty—essential lessons for sales professionals.
D2DCon is all about helping you master the art of asking, learning to listen to the correct answers, and building authentic relationships in sales.
6. “What Makes Us Feel Good About Our Work?” by Dan Ariely
What truly drives you in sales? Is it money, recognition, or impact?
Dan Ariely dives into the psychology of work satisfaction, emphasizing that meaning and purpose make us feel good about our work. This perspective is essential for anyone approaching sales as a craft rather than a job.
7. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” by Simon Sinek
How do you inspire others to buy from you, work with you, or follow you?
Simon Sinek’s talk, one of the most popular TED Talks for sales professionals, teaches how great leaders start with the “Why.”
He explains that people don’t buy what you do; they believe why you do it. He also explains that great leaders communicate their why, then their how, and then their what.
This approach allows leaders to attract and inspire people who share their vision, values, and beliefs.
8. “The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers” by Adam Grant
As a sales rep, how do you think outside the box and develop new and better ideas, solutions, and strategies?
Adam reveals the habits of original thinkers who challenge the status quo and change the world. He shows us how they embrace doubt, procrastinate strategically, and fail wisely.#
He also shows us how they overcome the fear of rejection, criticism, and ridicule.
9. “Listening to Shame” by Brené Brown
Brené Brown tackles overcoming shame and fear.
How do you overcome the negative emotions that hold you back from reaching your full potential? Brené Brown tackles these tough questions with courage and compassion. She shows us how shame and fear are universal and powerful but also how we can overcome them with empathy and resilience. She also shows us how to use shame and fear as catalysts for growth, change, and innovation. In sales, this can be a game-changer. It can help you face challenges, learn from failures, and achieve your goals.
Elevate Your Sales Game with D2DCon
The insights from these TED Talks for sales professionals can significantly affect how you approach your sales career.
Join us at D2DCon to learn from industry experts, network with peers, and apply the lessons from these best TED Talks for salespeople to your sales strategies.
Your sales mastery begins here—don’t miss it!